Crissey Beach | AccessAble Adventures


Crissey Field State Park is located on US Highway 101 just south of Brookings, Oregon.

The Park is wheelchair and walker friendly.  The Visitor Center has a great deal of information and is staffed during the tourist season. The restrooms are clean. The parking area is spacious with areas for campers. Dogs must be leashed.

There are numerous accessible trails from the Visitor Center through forest and habitat areas that lead to either the Winchuck River or Crissey Beach.  The trails are either gravel, sand or dirt, and are either flat or gradually sloped.  

Ramp on Right Side of Welcome Center, Towards Crissey Beach

Ramp on Right Side of Welcome Center, Towards Crissey Beach

Trail Behind Welcome Center.  Crissey Beach Is On The Right.

Ramp on Right Side of Welcome Center.